Midweek Message, October 17, 2018

He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1 I love that Jesus taught us to pray. He offers prayers for us and gives us guidelines on how to pray, what to pray for, why to pray, and when to pray. Prayer was a constant in the life of Christ and we are called to make it a constant in our lives. Jesus desired to be in ongoing conversation with God, and so, gives us the model for us to be in prayer as we go throughout our day. It was a lifeline for Jesus and it is for us as well. I know that a constancy of prayer is what has sustained me in the most difficult periods of my life. In fact, I do not believe I would be present here at CBTS without that constancy of prayer and the prayers of others for me during challenging days. So, thank you for your prayers! May we seek after a deeper relationship with God each day as we commune with God moment by moment. Amen.   Cliff   CHURCH NEWS:

  • Pumpkins have arrived. Please sign up to assist at the Pumpkin Patch as we reach out to our neighbors through this outreach ministry.
  • The next POV gathering around the LGBQT issue will be on November 3, 9am-3pm. Please join us for this important discussion.


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