Midweek Message, December 28, 2016


Midweek Tuesday, December 27 2016

The glow of the Christmas season is still with us here at the church, where we welcomed the fresh arrival of Jesus Christ among us with hundreds of worshippers this past weekend. I trust that this precious time between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will give you and your loved ones moments to pause, reflect, and give thanks for God’s many blessings in your life.
I give thanks to God that we are well within reach of meeting all of our budgetary needs for 2016, as long as we have our usual end of the year influx of contributions. We would be grateful for any contributions you can give to help meet or even exceed your financial commitments for this year. As a reminder, all gifts should be postmarked to the church by December 31, or dropped off at the church office by 5 p.m. Friday, December 30, in order to count for this year. Our staff is working on an “on-call” basis this week. Please call and leave a message for us and we will get back to you. Edie Housel, our Business Administrator, will be happy to assist with gifts such as stock transfers as need this week.
Most of all, we give thanks for the many, many stories from people whose lives have been transformed here and abroad by the ministries of Christ By The Sea UMC. With your faithful discipleship and commitment to the mission of this church, you have been a part of each of those stories. And I am privileged to serve among you.

Grace, Peace, and Happy New Year!



  • Funeral for Edie Caple will be December 30 at 1pm, CBTSUMC
  • Two worship services resume on January 1 at 8:30 and 11:00, Sunday School at 9:45