Midweek Message, October 4, 2017

“In everything God works for the good of those who love him” Romans 8:28

Really, God, in everything? Even in hurricanes, earthquakes, and shootings?! The Apostle John, often called Jesus’ closest friend, came to see the crucifixion, the death of his beloved friend, as a triumph. Can triumph come out of tragedy? I know that it can because I have experienced it.

Could I challenge you with a little exercise? Remove the word “everything” from Romans 8:28 and replace it with the symbol of your own tragedy. How would Romans 8:28 read in your life?

In hospital stays God works for the good.
In divorce papers God works for the good.
In a prison term God works for the good.
In my bankruptcy God works for the good.

If God can change the Apostle John’s life and mine through a tragedy, could it be God will use a tragedy to change yours? Please know that I don’t believe God causes tragedy, only that God can transform it into something God can use for good in your life.

Blessings to you,



·        The Pumpkin Patch begins soon. Sign up now to be a part of this outreach to our community.

·        Training for the Beachland Elementary volunteers begins soon. Call Chris Matthews for more details.

·        All our choirs re-start this week. Join us!

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